The Amplify Fund started in 2017 with the intention of existing for four years. It became clear in 2021 that in order to be values-aligned, we needed to extend beyond the initial time horizon, so we decided to embark on a year of looking back and learning. Our reflections are organized in alignment with our two goals:

  • Place Based Reflections: Focuses on Amplify's eight places, relating to our goal of nurturing and strengthening the conditions necessary for Black communities, indigenous communities, and communities of color, to build power.
  • Funder Practices Reflections: Focuses on funder practices, relating to our goal of organizing funders so they shift what and how they fund.


This report is to inform the next ten years of Amplify Fund, to take stock of where we've been and how we can improve. However, we are making this report public because we want to invite all readers to join us in our learning journey.

  • If you are a funder, we welcome you to join Amplify Fund to offer your own insights about the funder practices we identified and to collectively grapple with sticky issues in philanthropy.
  • If you are a racial justice and/or power building organization working in our eight places, we value your local expertise, and invite any insight about how change happens given the unique context of these locations.
  • If you don’t fit into any of these categories, we still appreciate feedback on the accessibility and usefulness of our report.


We look forward to hearing from you!

- The Amplify Fund team