Neighborhood Funders Group is shifting the timing of our National Convening in Wilmington, North Carolina from June 2022 to Spring 2023 (the convening had been planned in this same location for June 14-16, 2022).
It's with mixed emotions and deep commitment to the NFG community that I share this update with you, while also holding that it is the right decision for us collectively.
The decision to shift our convening to 2023 was informed by ongoing, thoughtful conversations about Covid considerations and how & when we want to intentionally regather in-person with NFG’s staff & board of directors, our convening co-chairs who are grantmakers in the region, our Amplify Fund grantee partners that are building power in Eastern North Carolina, and our event planners - Girl Friday Events. Our planning process has catalyzed reflections on the best way to bring the NFG community back together.
We have not been at this moment ever before in our lifetimes. How we regather and build community as safely and accessibly as possible during an ongoing pandemic — where there are no known/clear solutions — requires all of us to think as adaptive leaders. How we come back together as a community requires more conversations, time, and co-created paths forward.
We also know that convening is NFG’s ‘superpower,’ and the most frequently named reason for why we are many funders’ political home in philanthropy. Our first convening back together in-person after more than two years will be nothing short of a spectacular reunion.
When we come back together for this National Convening in 2023, we’re committed to creating a convening space that is rooted in joy, camaraderie, care, and fun; showcases how groups in Eastern North Carolina are building power locally; and moves money to BIPOC communities.
Over the next months, we will continue our convening program planning and we will be inviting funders to be sponsors. We also look forward to gathering in-person for smaller meetings within NFG programs between now and our 2023 convening.

On a personal note, I know it's not the same to continue working almost exclusively online and not have time & space with each other in-person.
I know many of you — like me! — were ready for that post-session hallway scheming, in-person connection with mutual grantee partners, and maybe even a late night (Covid-safe!) karaoke session with long-time friends and colleagues.
And, I also know that it is important for me and for NFG to pause & re-think our planning and to continue adapting & creating spaciousness for how we do our work to organize funders to move more money to racial, gender, economic, disability, and climate justice.
I appreciate your support and partnership as we navigate this shift. Please reach out to me if you have any questions about our convening. You're also invited to join me at NFG's next Member Connection Call on Monday, May 23 at 12pm PT / 3pm ET (register here).
I look forward to welcoming you to Wilmington in 2023.
Un abrazo,