Neighborhood Funders Group
Dear friends,
Here at Amplify Fund, we believe that taking action together yields the most fruitful results. As a collaborative of 17 funders we are focused on:
- Nurturing and strengthening the conditions necessary for BIPOC communities to build power; and
- Organizing funders so we shift what and how we fund.
In the sections below, you will find two opportunities to join us in reaching these twin goals. Don't hesitate to reach out to learn more about our work.
In solidarity,
Amy, Melody, Renata and Nicole (The Amplify staff team)
Co-Fund These Amazing Collaborations
Collaborations amongst our grant partners have happened organically in place, and, through our bi-monthly “Amplification” peer exchange and capacity building sessions. To support these collaborations beyond our general operating grants, in summer 2021 we offered a Collaboration Grant cycle for groups to dream beyond their organizations (and even beyond place). So far, we have distributed $245,000 to seven (7) collaborations in four places and have another cycle underway this Fall. Admittedly, we asked folks to dream, and ultimately didn’t have “dream” money. All these projects need additional funding, so we invite you to co-fund this amazing work with us!
If you have any questions or would like a connector email, please reach out to Melody Baker, Director of Programs.
Download a 1-page PDF with the description of all seven collaborations here.

Co-Conspire to Shift Our Organizations
In September and October, Amplify Fund Steering Committee members met to continue to sharpen our racial justice analysis, build our organizing skills, and strategize about how to shift our field towards power building, racial justice, and equitable development. This co-conspiring has led to concrete institutional changes and less-tangible, but equally important support. See the quotes below!
If you have questions about joining Amplify Fund, reach out to Amy Morris, Senior Director.

Check Us Out on the "Big Screen"
In an Annie E. Casey-hosted event, Amplify Senior Director and ArchCity Defenders' Director discuss how to shift decision-making power to people closest to the problems.
Amplify Steering Committee members Meshie Knight (Robert Wood Johnson Foundation), Rini Banerjee (Jessie Smith Noyes Foundation), Jerry Maldonado (Ford Foundation), and Adriana Rocha (Neighborhood Funders Group) talk about centering racial justice in strategy, culture, and group norms.