Earlier this year, Neighborhood Funders Group announced that we were postponing what would have been our 2022 National Convening in Wilmington, North Carolina to next year. The decision to shift our convening to 2023 was informed by ongoing, thoughtful conversations about Covid considerations and how & when we want to intentionally regather in-person with NFG’s staff & board of directors, our convening co-chairs who are grantmakers in the region, our Amplify Fund grantee partners that are building power in Eastern North Carolina, and our event planners - Girl Friday Events.
Our original planning process catalyzed reflections on the best way to bring the NFG community back together and now we are so excited to ask you to save the date for our 2023 National Convening!

Dating back to NFG's first National Convening in 1995 in Cleveland, our convenings are known for being spaces where folks in philanthropy come together to find their community & co-conspirators; collectively move money for racial, gender, economic, disability, and climate justice; and have fun!
In 2023, the NFG community plans to come back together for a National Convening that’s centered on Connection! We’re committed to creating a convening space that is rooted in joy, camaraderie, care, and fun; showcases how groups in Eastern North Carolina are building power locally; and moves money to BIPOC communities.
Over the next months, we will continue our convening program planning (for both in-person and virtual options) and will invite funders to be sponsors. We expect registration to open in early 2023.
We're looking forward to convening with you next year!