Dear friends,
Amplify Fund was originally created to support groups at the intersection of racial justice, power building, and equitable development. Our new vision focuses on generational wealth building, land justice, holistic well-being, and human dignity. In other words, our grantees work on a variety of issues. To read about some of the amazing strides they made in 2022 click on the sections below.
Also, thanks to our colleagues at Funders for a Just Economy, we have access to content-rich reports about two cities in Amplify places - St. Louis and Las Vegas. There is also a report on the Inland region in California. Read through these pieces and see what Amplify grantees (and others) are saying about their regions.
We will also be hearing directly from our grantees in North Carolina in a learning visit and plenary session at the 2023 NFG convening in May. Hopefully we'll see you there!
Melody, Nicole, Renata and Syma
(The Amplify staff team)
Grantees across our places are organizing tenants to redefine and increase funding for affordable housing, challenge abusive landlords, and prevent evictions through rental assistance.
Photo: KC Tenants
While some grantees are demanding increased federal funding for disaster relief, others are organizing communities to create their own mitigation strategies and provide mutual aid during times of crisis.
Many grantees are focused on small farmers owning, maintaining, and improving their land because it has positive economic and environmental consequences.
Photo: Fresh Future Farm
Aside from supporting individuals to build marketable skills and open businesses, grantees are tackling economic justice by promoting policies related to wages, job accessibility, and reparations.
Photo: www.stlamerican.com featuring Action St. Louis
Grantees are successfully challenging corporate and private interest in development projects, while also obtaining abandoned lots, or revitalizing public spaces, in service of community needs.
Photo: Stand Up Nashville

The Lowcountry Alliance for Model Communities (LAMC) has been an Amplify Fund grantee since 2019. Their mission is to protect and transform South Carolina communities so they become self-sustaining, and they do this by focusing on affordable housing, economic development, education, and environmental justice.
One particular South Carolina community reached out to LAMC in 2018 for help after flooding in a predominantly Black neighborhood rendered roadways impassible. Rosemont residents had sought government assistance to no avail, so LAMC began helping the community document environmental issues, and solicit support to develop a flood resiliency plan.
So far, LAMC has fundraised $300,000 from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and $100,000 from Charleston’s City Council. LAMC has been having conversations with the Environmental Protection Agency about additional resources.
In addition to creating a flood resiliency plan, LAMC is also helping residents advocate for inclusion. The Rosemont neighborhood was ignored by Charleston officials and the Army Corps of Engineers when they designed a sea wall to protect communities against storm surge. Some community leaders have noted that tidal surges could be pushed into Rosemont if the wall stops short of the neighborhood, making the flooding worse in the community.
To support these efforts, donate here: https://lamcnc.networkforgood.com/