Hello friend,

Wishing you all a safe and healthful 2022. We hope you had a restorative holiday break and that you are easing into work feeling hopeful.

Thank you to all who joined us for The Why and How of Ceding Power to Community Organizations to Achieve Systems Change, our webinar last week with Fund for Inclusive California. We learned important lessons about partnering more authentically with community organizations. Panelists shared concrete practices such as conversational reporting, general operating support that allows organizations to pivot, and creating space to build relationships and move at the speed of trust. We look forward to continuing the conversation on how to operationalize our commitment to social justice.

You may view the recording here, passcode: B?MB5j6*.

Over the past few weeks, we’ve collected some tools, resources, and articles to help you stay informed and energized.


To Explore

Created by the Right to Counsel NYC Coalition, this mapping tool charts the momentum of tenant rights groups across the country fighting for legal representation for tenants threatened with eviction. It includes legislation passed, active campaigns, and campaign wins.

If you fund housing justice in California or New York, you’ll want to know the Anti-Eviction Mapping Project and explore their Housing Justice Action Map documenting the housing crisis.

For those who like visualizing historic events, Americans for Financial Reform developed a new political education tool that illustrates how the American economy is not unfair by accident but by design.

To Read

  • "Whatever Happened to CBAs?" outlines the the Rise and Fall of ‘Community Benefits Agreements’ in NYC, as developer dominance erodes the inclusion of community. Posted by City Limits on January 18, 2022.
  • Curious to know more about the obstacles facing advocates for the Build Back Better legislation? Read the report Behind the Curtain released by DEMOS and Peoples’ Action that documents the millions spent by corporations to prevent policies that would reduce poverty, support essential workers, and fight climate change.
  • For those who have been looking to learn more about community ownership, Under the Lens Series’s Shelterforce showcases community land trusts and cooperative models and how they are evolving.
  • In case you missed it, check out on Next City's November 2021 article on the National Tenants Bill of Rights and why it is foundational for racial equity.
  • Our friends at HouseUS have created this introduction to their work to support and strengthen the national movement for housing justice through a pooled fund that supports base-building, movement infrastructure, and federal campaign work.

To Watch

The title screen from an opinion video titled "The Landlord's Worst Nightmare Is a Basic Human Right" by Jeff Seal, Chris Libbey, and Nick Libbey. It shows a person dressed in a legislative bill costume sitting on the steps of a government building.
Fans of School House Rock will appreciate this biting, funny, clever, and ultimately convincing Opinion piece that appeared in the New York Times on January 12, 2022. The Landlord’s Worst Nightmare is A Bill follows comedian and journalist Jeff Seal as he tries to draw attention to the Good Cause Eviction bill making its way through the New York State legislature. In the end, he contrasts his clumsy, often cringe-worthy efforts to build public support with clips of tried and true, on-the-ground tenant organizing ultimately making the case for supporting movement building at the neighborhood level.
Illustration of wide sweeping fields, trees, houses and apartment buildings, and tall city buildings in the background.