The housing crisis continues to stretch into every corner of our communities. In the face of this, grassroots organizations are building broad coalitions of people that can advance shared ownership models, secure the resources necessary to promote affordable and safe housing for all, and pilot narratives that housing is a human right. Land trusts, unions, and shared ownership models have demonstrated success in promoting more fairness in the workplace and housing sector for generations. Despite this oppositional forces continue to advance narratives and policies that safe and affordable housing is an earned commodity that only the most privileged deserve. Within these challenging contexts, organizations in California, New York, Minnesota, Washington, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Massachusetts and other places are organizing and deepening their bases to demand greater justice.

Join us as we launch a virtual learning series around the policies and practices organizations are advancing to promote dignified housing for all. Movement leaders, development practitioners, academics, and funders will share what conditions need to change to promote housing justice and how engaging long-time residents to use democracy’s tools can disrupt the status quo’s obstacles.

The first discussion on December 7th will prioritize understanding what community ownership is and what it can offer to communities at this moment. Then we’ll deepen our understanding of community land stewardship by introducing funding strategies that are working, barriers to implementation, policy strategies for practitioners, and other challenges and opportunities.  As the series continues, we’ll examine the array of policies and practices necessary for land stewardship models to start and thrive and how resourcing civic engagement and organizing creates conditions for a thriving democracy and just economy. Finally, our series will conclude with an assessment about whether the conditions are present within our distinct philanthropic institutions to resource durable solutions for economic self-determination, civic engagement, and housing justice.

Part 1: Introduction to Community Land Stewardship and Key Policies and Practices

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

12pm-2pm PT/ 1pm to 3pm MT / 2pm to 4pm CT / 3pm to 5pm ET


Speakers include:

Event Details


Dec 7, 2022

12:00 pm - 2:00 pm PT

