You can find recordings of each plenary and session from NFG's 40 Years Strong virtual convening series below, along with links to transcripts, graphic recordings, and related resources. Watch for the first time, watch again, and please share widely! Catch highlights and quotes shared by participants on Twitter with #NFG2020 and #NFG40YearsStrong.
- Technologies for Liberation: Moving Toward Abolitionist Futures
- Get It Together: How the Amplify Fund Supports Black-led Power Building and Organizing
- What's Land Got to Do With It? The Role Land Plays in Our Social Movements: Past, Present, & Future
- We Keep Us Safe: Advancing Community-led Solutions to Neighborhood Violence
- Philanthropy is Embedded in the Paradox of Capitalism
- Youth of Color Taking the Lead: Collaborative Leadership and the Path to Power
- Plenary: 40 Years Strong: People, Place & Power
- Plenary: Accountability & Philanthropy's Role

Centering the voices of organizers leading this work, this session highlighted the solutions they are putting forward and engaged participants in discussion about how issues of technology and criminalization intersect with their funding strategies.
- Hamid Khan, Campaign Coordinator, Stop LAPD Spying Coalition
- Jacinta González, Senior Campaign Organizer, Mijente
- Ashe Helm-Hernández, Project Director, Tiger's Eye Collective
- Brenda Salas Neves, Senior Program Officer, Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice
- Technologies for Liberation: Toward Abolitionist Futures — Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice and Research Action Design
- Who’s Behind ICE? The Tech and Data Companies Fueling Deportations — Mijente, Immigrant Defense Project, and National Immigration Project of the National Lawyers Guild
- Understanding the Architecture of Surveillance — Stop LAPD Spying Coalition
- Information Sharing Environment "Stalker State" — Stop LAPD Spying Coalition
- Before the Bullet Hits the Body - Dismantling Predictive Policing in Los Angeles — Stop LAPD Spying Coalition

This session was an opportunity to learn more about the funding model of NFG's Amplify Fund, including organizing to realize a vision for racial justice philanthropy, where power is shared, roles are clear, funding is flexible, and funders are organizers too!
- Chi-Ante Singletary, North Carolina/South Carolina Consultant, NFG's Amplify Fund
- Melody Baker, Senior Program Officer, NFG's Amplify Fund
- Edie Blakeslee, Vice President of Grantmaking & Community Leadership, Coastal Community Foundation of South Carolina
- Tami Spann, Vice President, Strategic Initiatives, Hollingsworth Funds
- Rini Bannerjee, President, Jessie Smith Noyes Foundation
- Amplify Fund — List of Grantee Places
- The Case for Funding Black-Led Social Change — The Black Social Change Funders Network, A Project of ABFE: A Philanthropic Partnership for Black Communites and The Hill-Snowdon Foundation
- Guiding a Giving Response to Anti-Black Injustice — ABFE: A Philanthropic Partnership for Black Communites and The Bridgespan Group
- "We Must be in It for the Long Haul” Black Foundation Executives Request Action by Philanthropy on Anti-Black Racism — ABFE: A Philanthropic Partnership for Black Communities
- Step by Step Ministry Hope Project
- Charleston Area Justice Ministry
- Top Evicting Large Cities in the United States — Eviction Lab

This session sought to make space and learn from frontline leaders working at the intersection of climate justice, sovereignty and land justice.
- Dara Cooper, Executive Director, National Black Food and Justice Alliance
- Dawn Phillips, Executive Director, Right to the City Alliance
- Rowen White, Program Director, Native American Food Sovereignty Alliance
- Kellie Terry, Senior Program Officer, Surdna Foundation
- Alison Corwin, Senior Program Officer, Surdna Foundation
- "The Tenants Who Evicted Their Landlord" — The New York Times
- Sierra Seeds
- Castanea Fellowship
- New Communities, Inc.
- Southerners on New Ground (SONG)
- Reparations Summer
- Vision for Black Lives Policy Platforms — Movement for Black Lives

This session lifted up the role of local community organizers in DC and Atlanta who have successful advocated for proven, non-police-based violence intervention models, such as violence interruption, and the local and national funders who have partnered to support that work.
- Amoretta Morris, Director of National Community Strategies, Annie E. Casey Foundation
- April Goggans, Core Organizer, Black Lives Matter DC
- Alise Marshall, Director of Strategy and New Ventures, Public Welfare Foundation
- Columbus Ward Jr, Chair, Neighborhood Planning Unit-V, & Executive Director, Peoplestown Revitalization Corporation
Highlighted Organizations & Initiatives:
- Black Lives Matter DC
- Neighborhood Planning Unit-V
- Peoplestown Revitalization Corporation
- Cure Violence
- Hayward Burns Institute
- She Safe, We Safe Campaign — Black Youth Project (BYP100)
- Marsha P. Johnson Institute
- Common Justice
- LIFE Camp, Inc.
- Credible Messenger Initiative — DC Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services
- Arches — New York City Department of Probation
Highlighted Funds:
- Fund for a Safer Future (funder collaborative)
- Hope and Heal Fund (funder collaborative)
- Janisha R. Gabriel Movement Protection Fund — Solidaire
- Diverse City Fund
- Adverse Community Experiences and Resilience: A Framework for Addressing and Preventing Community Trauma — Prevention Institute
- Get in Formation: A Community Safety Toolkit — Vision Change Win
- "Casey Seeks Grant Proposals for Trauma-Response Pilot in Atlanta" — Annie E. Casey Foundation
- "Residents in NPU-V Look to Proven Model to Curb Violence" — Annie E. Casey Foundation

This interactive session examined why it is critical to break down traditional funder barriers in favor of participation, transparency, accountability, and collaboration. The panel also spoke extensively about the “how” of participatory grantmaking and share several specifics and resources to equip funders to make similar changes in their own institutions.
- Allistair Mallillin, Senior Program Officer, Common Counsel Foundation
- Kaberi Banerjee Murthy, Director of Programs & Strategy, Meyer Memorial Trust
- Katy Love, Consultant
- Ana Conner, Co-Director, Third Wave Fund
Participatory Grantmaking Examples:
- Sex Worker Giving Circle at Third Wave Fund
- Native Voices Rising
- Mama Cash
- Consumer Health Foundation
- Cypress Fund
- Trans Justice Funding Project
- Diverse City Fund
- Trust-Based Philanthropy Project
- New York Women's Foundation
- Funder Advisory Committee Examples — Caitlin Duffy, Amalgamated Bank
- Local Strategy Advisor Process — NFG’s Amplify Fund
- Conflict of Interest Policy — International Trans Fund
- Social Equity Collaborative Fund Conflict of Interest Policy & Disclosure Form — Southern California Grantmakers
- Funds Dissemination Committee Pledge of Commitment and Conflict of Interest Questionnaire — Wikimedia Foundation
- Governance Analysis: How 10 Participatory Grantmaking Initiatives and Funder Collaboratives Work — Onside Partners
- "Engaged Grantmaking: Collaborating with Communities" — Caroline McCoy, Robert R. McCormick Foundation
- Partnering with Community for Better Philanthropy & A Foot in Both Worlds: Working with Regional Organizations to Advance Equity — COMM|VEDA
- Resonance: A Framework for Philanthropic Transformation — Justice Funders
- "Participatory grantmaking in a pandemic: practical considerations in design" — Participatory Grantmaking Collective
- Deciding Together Shifting Power and Resources Through Participatory Grantmaking — GrantCraft by Candid.
- Participatory Grantmaking: Has Its Time Come? — Ford Foundation
- Participatory Grantmaking Content Series — GrantCraft by Candid.
- Five reasons to support participatory grantmaking — Alliance Magazine
- "Participatory grantmaking: can we afford not to do it?" — Alliance Magazine
- Facilitator’s Guide to Participatory Decision-Making — Sam Kaner with Lenny Lind, Catherine Toldi, Sarah Fisk and Duane Berger

This session provided an inside look at local and state infrastructures, leadership development, state and national collaborations, and shared leadership models propelled by young people of color to build a multi-racial democracy and transform American politics. Additionally, participants explored findings by the Youth Engagement Fund on how youth of color-focused groups use issue-based organizing to engage members and new & infrequent voters; how the youth civic engagement coalition is creating a shared space for messaging, alignment, and coordination; the impact of early investment received in preparation for 2020; and the plans to catalyze on the energy of the political moment in 2020 and for long-term power building.
- Alejandra Ruiz, Executive Director, Youth Engagement Fund
- Montserrat Arredondo, Executive Director, One Arizona
- Tiffany Dena Loftin, Director, NAACP Youth + College Division
- Michelle Wilson, Senior Program Manager, Women Engaged
NFG kicked off our 2020 virtual convening series on June 30 with our 40 Years Strong plenary session that incorporated videos, speakers, and a live Q&A. Hear from NFG’s convening co-chairs and board members, Mary Sobecki and Shona Chakravartty, and NFG’s new President, Adriana Rocha, as we celebrate four decades of mobilizing philanthropy and explore what is possible in the current era of organized philanthropy. We featured philanthropic and movement leaders who lifted up what is needed in this political moment to support people, place and power.
- Shona Chakravartty (Convening Co-Chair) Senior Program Officer, Hill-Snowdon Foundation
- Mary Sobecki (Convening Co-Chair) Executive Director, The Needmor Fund
- Adriana Rocha (Facilitator) President, Neighborhood Funders Group
- Kevin Ryan (MC) Program Officer, Cities and States, Ford Foundation
- Ash-Lee Woodard Henderson (Speaker) Co-Executive Director, Highlander Research and Education Center
- Mary Hooks (Speaker) Co-Director, Southerners on New Ground
- Gladys Washington (Speaker) Former Deputy Director, Mary Reynolds Babcock Foundation
NFG continued our 2020 virtual convening series on July 1 with a plenary session on Accountability and Philanthropy’s Role. Hear from grantmakers whose institutions are modeling how we must rethink systems and grantmaking strategies to be accountable to Black, Indigenous, and people of color communities and low-income communities. We shared how and why philanthropy must be bold and show up differently for frontline communities that are rising up against state violence, continuing to grapple with the COVID-19 public health and economic crisis, and working to dismantle oppressive systems to transform our communities & world.
- Alison Corwin (NFG Board Chair) Senior Program Officer, Sustainable Environments, Surdna Foundation
- Amoretta Morris (NFG Board Member) Director, National Community Strategies, Annie E. Casey Foundation
- Manuela Arciniegas (MC) Director, Andrus Family Fund
- Dimple Abichandani (Speaker) Executive Director, General Service Foundation
- Julia Beatty (Speaker) Program Officer, Black-Led Movement Fund, Borealis Philanthropy
- Anna Fink (Speaker) Executive Director, Amalgamated Foundation
- Jerry Maldonado (Speaker) Director, Cities and States, Ford Foundation
- Renata Peralta (Speaker) Program Officer for the Open Places Initiative, Open Society Foundations
- Trust-Based Philanthropy Project
- It Takes Roots to Challenge Philanthropy
- "Big Philanthropy Faces a Reckoning, Too" by Gara LaMarche, The Nation
- "A New Front Line: Community-Led Disaster Response Lessons for the COVID-19 Moment" by Ginny Goldman and Anna Fink, Amalgamated Foundation
- "A ‘Balancing Test’ for Foundation Spending" by Dimple Abichandani, General Service Foundation
- FFJ Healing Justice Strategy Group Guidance to Philanthropy in the Wake of COVID-19
Event Details
Jun 29, 2020
Posted 07/28/2022 in