Places Often Overlooked By National Philanthropy
We selected the following places for our grantmaking because of: 1) the exciting power building work led by Black and indigenous people, people of color, and low-income people, 2) the presence of power building groups focused on our issue areas, 3) the relative absence of national philanthropy, and 4) the potential to mobilize local philanthropic dollars.
In each place, we followed the guidance of local advisors, and the wisdom of those with lived-experience, to develop context-specific strategies. To read the place-based strategies, see below. For the full list of grantees, click here!

Through our partnership with the Fund for an Inclusive California (F4ICA), we support a community of grassroots leaders and nonprofits committed to pursuing transformative approaches that will achieve well-being and housing for all in California.

In 2018, Local Strategy Advisors in Missouri identified the following equitable development issues as priorities that have guided Amplify’s grantmaking: large development projects, redistricting, and housing. They also highlighted five conditions necessary to build power: community organizing, young Black leadership; collaboration amongst movement organizations; shared analysis among BIPOC leaders; and racial justice funding that is sustained.

In 2019, Local Strategy Advisors in Nevada identified the following equitable development issues as priorities that have guided Amplify’s grantmaking: housing and public revenue generation. They also highlighted four conditions necessary to build power that have guided Amplify’s grantmaking: community organizing; a strong leadership pipeline for Black and Latinx community members and people of color; shared racial justice analyses; and flexible and consistent funding beyond electoral campaigns.

Eastern North Carolina
In 2019, Local Strategy Advisors in North Carolina identified the following equitable development issues as priorities that have guided Amplify’s grantmaking: land and environmental justice, Just Recovery, and civic engagement. They also highlighted five conditions necessary to build power that have guided Amplify’s grantmaking: community organizing; inter-generational leadership development; a communications infrastructure; shared analysis, strategies, and narratives for collaboration; and stronger organizational capacity.

Western Pennsylvania
In 2019, Local Strategy Advisors in Western Pennsylvania highlighted four conditions necessary to build power that have guided Amplify’s grantmaking: community organizing; collaboration; capacity-building for BIPOC-led organizations; and a leadership development pipeline for BIPOC leaders.

Puerto Rico
In 2018, Local Strategy Advisors in Puerto Rico identified the following equitable development issues as priorities that have guided Amplify’s grantmaking: use of public funds, housing, and energy and the environment. They also highlighted eight conditions necessary to build power that have guided Amplify’s grantmaking: community organizing; tools to hold government officials accountable; tools for community-led decision-making; organizational capacity to absorb funds; strong communications; an activated diaspora; a shared racial justice analysis; and coordination amongst groups.

South Carolina
In 2019, Local Strategy Advisors in South Carolina identified the following equitable development issues as priorities that have guided Amplify’s grantmaking: land ownership, housing, use of public funds, environment, and policing and incarceration. They also highlighted six conditions necessary to build power that have guided Amplify’s grantmaking: community organizing, specifically investment in community organizers who are Black women; a stronger progressive political infrastructure; communications and narrative work; funder organizing in service of racial justice funding; and coordination between funders and grassroots groups.

In 2019, Local Strategy Advisors in Tennessee Identified the following equitable development issues as priorities that have guided Amplify’s grantmaking: corporate interest and housing. They also highlighted five conditions necessary to build power that have guided Amplify’s grantmaking: community organizing; an inside/outside strategy; funder organizing; organizational capacity; and leadership development.