FJE Network Strategy Session 2024 Recap

Funders for a Just Economy’s Network Strategy Session brings together members and allies in a virtual community building, co-learning and strategy space. Every year we aim to learn from movement leaders on a specific theme or issue related to economic justice and worker power, grounded in a collective understanding of how racial capitalism, white supremacy…

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Philanthropy’s Contradiction in the Latest Housing Crisis

Just a few years after the 2008 foreclosure crisis, tenants and residents are yet again facing another housing crisis. Eviction rates are 50% higher than pre-pandemic levels, the number of individuals experiencing homelessness has reached all time highs with an estimated one in ten 18-25 year olds expected to experience homelessness, and recent data report…

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DDP May 2023 Newsletter

NFG logo. A circle comprised of three overlapping half moons that are varying shades of orange, purple, and green.

Hi friend, Join us for an in-depth discussion and interactive workshop for philanthropy to identify roles their institutions can serve in advancing community-led land stewardship models. Based on their recent report entitled  “Community Ownership: Emerging Models and Roles for Philanthropy” Inclusive Capital Collective and Roanhorse Consulting will introduce how community land stewardship models are proven…

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Journey Toward Intersectional Grantmaking

We at Funders for a New Economy (FJE) and the Neighborhood Funders Group (NFG) believe we have a critical mass of people of color and white allies within philanthropy who are interested in a new path— who are ready to talk about race, who are ready to acknowledge that this country’s economic policies were not…

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DDP February 2023 Newsletter

Mural on Lake Street in Minneapolis, MN supported by members of Inquilinxs Unidxs Por Justicia that states “From the grips of landlords to the community” “Land is a basic requirement of life” – Gilda Haas Hi friend, The statement above from Gilda Haas during the Land Stewardship Learning Series launch helped chart the direction and…

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Reflections from Our First Racial Capitalism Community of Practice

Considering that philanthropy historically and currently is a contributor to the deeply embedded and extractive tenets of racial capitalism, over the last few years NFG’s Funders for a Just Economy has been building its analysis of racial capitalism and power by learning about Black radical tradition and feminist theory. This includes the Journey Towards Intersectional…

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DDP November 2022 Newsletter

Hi friend, This newsletter contains updates from our partners at HouseUS, a national housing justice fund supporting organizing and tenant-led change at the local, state, and federal levels, and the Homes Guarantee campaign: In November, the Homes Guarantee campaign will host a convening of its tenant leadership team, the Tenant Reckoning: The Rent is Too Damn High, in Washington DC.…

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DDP August 2022 Newsletter

Hi friend, The Democratizing Development Program hired its next full-time director in June. And it’s me, Chimene Okere (follow this link for pronunciation). There’s so much work I’m excited to partner with you on. But before the emails proliferate, webinars start, and scheduling requests begin, I want to begin with gratitude for the folks who…

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DDP February 2022 Newsletter

Hello friend, Wishing you all a safe and healthful 2022. We hope you had a restorative holiday break and that you are easing into work feeling hopeful. Thank you to all who joined us for The Why and How of Ceding Power to Community Organizations to Achieve Systems Change, our webinar last week with Fund for…

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