NFG’s December Newsletter: Now live — NFG launches its Co-President search

In this month’s newsletter, you’ll hear from NFG board Co–Chairs, Kaberi Banerjee Murthy, Ms. Foundation, and Tania Durán, Mary Reynolds Babcock Foundation. As board Co-Chairs, Tania and Kaberi have been deeply committed leaders on the Board through the heart of this transition; this has been a body of work full of commitment to NFG and its…

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NFG’s November Newsletter: Team NFG on funder organizing beyond election cycles

Dear friend, Over Neighborhood Funders Group’s 45 year history, we have been a steadfast presence in philanthropy, pushing funders to more deeply and effectively support people of color-led, grassroots organizing in communities across the country. Each of our six programs seek to organize philanthropy into action, with a commitment to sustaining movements for the long haul. As the shape…

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NFG’s October Newsletter: NFG announces a new leadership model

Dear friend, Over Neighborhood Funders Group’s nearly 45 year history as an organization we have been a steadfast presence in philanthropy, pushing funders to more deeply and effectively support people of color-led, grassroots organizing, and powerbuilding work in communities across the country. And, NFG has become more bold in its vision to liberate philanthropic assets…

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NFG’s June Newsletter: An invitation for funders to explore NFG’s evolving identity

Dear friend, Neighborhood Funders Group is a community of grantmakers who are moving money to racial, gender, economic, disability, and climate justice. We organize philanthropy so that Black, Indigenous, and people of color communities and low-income communities thrive. For the past two years, NFG has been in a significant period of leadership transition and organizational change that…

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NFG’s May Newsletter: Organizing funders & building community — Neighborhood Funders Group reflects on 2024 so far

Dear friend, A political home derives some of its greatest strength from the intentional care and participation of its members. When we say that Neighborhood Funders Group offers ​​grantmakers a political home — a place to connect, strategize, and take action — it is with recognition that joyful, inspiring organizing spaces are created in community. For NFG…

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NFG January Newsletter: take action and build community with NFG this winter

Dear friend, Winter often represents a time of challenging transition as we navigate the darkness and dormancy, but now is not the time for hibernation. Our sector must continue moving money to racial, gender, economic, disability, and climate justice and organizing to liberate philanthropic assets. At NFG, we are energized by the bold and strategic…

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NFG’s December Newsletter: NFG reflects on 2023 and plans for the path ahead

Dear friend, I am writing this message to you having just returned from NFG’s final all-staff gathering of 2023. We met in New Orleans to celebrate the organization’s accomplishments over the past year; engage staff in our organizational development and transition process; and spend some in-person time planning for 2024 and deepening our relationships as…

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NFG’s August Newsletter: NFG members take action this summer

Teams from NFG and CHANGE Philanthropy pose together for a group photo on an outside terrace at the Hotel Ballast.

Hello friend, Last month marked my four year anniversary as part of team NFG! Part of my role as Director of Membership and Communications is to onboard new members who have recently joined NFG to co-conspire with our network of grantmakers to accelerate racial, gender, economic, disability, and climate justice. I also meet with our…

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DDP June 2023 Event Update

Hi friend, If events in Atlanta, GA and countless instances of mass criminalization reveal anything, now is the moment for philanthropy to lean deeper into invest-divest frameworks. Decades of research and generations of grassroots leaders have affirmed that housing is critically important to make communities  safer and healthier. However, instead of substantial investments in community land stewardship, tenant protections, or food justice,…

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