Building power in place: NFG’s November 2022 newsletter

The integrated voter engagement efforts leading up to the recent elections underscore how local grassroots organizers are leading the way to seed transformative change and ensure that our communities thrive in the face of extreme challenges. At Neighborhood Funders Group, we are encouraged by philanthropy’s moves to uplift (and fund!) community organizing in bolder and more impactful ways. We also know that…

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DDP November 2022 Newsletter

Hi friend, This newsletter contains updates from our partners at HouseUS, a national housing justice fund supporting organizing and tenant-led change at the local, state, and federal levels, and the Homes Guarantee campaign: In November, the Homes Guarantee campaign will host a convening of its tenant leadership team, the Tenant Reckoning: The Rent is Too Damn High, in Washington DC.…

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NFG’s October 2022 Newsletter: imagining how philanthropy can move toward a non-racialized economy

Neighborhood Funders Group first introduced you to our Racial Capitalism Community of Practice, which is hosted by NFG’s Funders for a Just Economy, in our August newsletter. Now we’re sharing key takeaways on what a non-racialized economy means from this six month-long cohort in which 20 people representing seven foundations and NFG participated. Our first Racial Capitalism Community of…

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Midwest Fall 2022 Newsletter: Holding Change with Care 🍂

I hope you are finding rest and warmth as we traverse this season of transitions. In our home, the little ones and I have been tracking the colors of the leaves and we’ve been celebrating with loved ones the Mid-Autumn Festival and the upcoming Día de Muertos. Fall has already been filled with reminders that change is…

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2022 October Amplify Newsletter

Dear friends, Our commitment to deep, relational grantmaking means that, in addition to our long-term commitment to racial justice powerbuilding, we respond during crises of all kinds. Crises that affect 1) all our grantees partners, like COVID; 2) individual grantee partners; and 3) grantee partners in just one of our eight places as was the case…

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Event Recap: 9/15 Indiana Co-Governance Funder Briefing

In Indianapolis, gun violence is down 20% so far this year for the first time in a decade; a new crisis response system supports people in crisis to get the care they deserve rather than ending up behind bars; and the nation’s strongest civilian oversight body over law enforcement, created just nine month ago, has…

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Midwest Summer 2022 Newsletter: Collective Courage ✨

With all we are holding, I hope you are also finding sweetness in this final stretch of our Midwest summer. Each day, I have the honor of working with movement workers and funders who teach me what it means to be courageous enough to build the world we want. Individual brave acts are powerful. So…

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DDP August 2022 Newsletter

Hi friend, The Democratizing Development Program hired its next full-time director in June. And it’s me, Chimene Okere (follow this link for pronunciation). There’s so much work I’m excited to partner with you on. But before the emails proliferate, webinars start, and scheduling requests begin, I want to begin with gratitude for the folks who…

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Moving through transitions + more updates: NFG’s July 2022 Newsletter

I’m writing this newsletter message on the 40th day since my beloved 91-year-old Lola passed away, a significant time marker for my family as we remember and honor her. Maybe you’re wondering what this has to do with Neighborhood Funders Group, and the answer is that I don’t know how to (and won’t) compartmentalize, and…

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Farewell from Adriana Rocha, NFG’s President

My relationship with NFG started in the mid 2000s, first as a member while at the New York Foundation, then as NFG’s Vice President of Programs, as Interim Co-Director, and now President. My energies have focused both internally on the strategy, structure, and culture of NFG, as well as on the programming and relationships with…

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Midwest Spring 2022 Newsletter: Seeding Change 🌱

I am so honored to say hello to you as the Program Manager of the Midwest Organizing Infrastructure Funders (Midwest Program) at Neighborhood Funders Group. I shifted into this role from Sr. Program Coordinator last month, a transition that has paralleled the Midwest’s journey into spring. In recent years, I have begun gardening vegetables, which has been…

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How NFG Celebrates Worker Justice Movements: NFG’s May 2022 Newsletter

At the beginning of May — on International Workers’ Day — Neighborhood Funders Group was excited to announce the winners of our 2022 Discount Foundation Legacy Award! We’re resharing this announcement and sending our sincerest congratulations to this year’s awardee, Wendy Melendez Garcia of Local 32BJ SEIU District 615, as well as the runner-up and equally-inspiring Nap Pempena, Secretary…

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Sharing NFG’s refreshed theory of change: NFG’s March 2022 Newsletter

Neighborhood Funders Group has shared snippets of our new theory of change in each of our newsletters so far this year. In January, we unveiled our long-term outcome: Philanthropic assets are liberated so that BIPOC communities and low-income communities have power to self-determine. In February, we applied this outcome to NFG’s Funders for a Just Economy program…

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How will you commit to building worker power? NFG’s February 2022 Newsletter

Neighborhood Funders Group’s new theory of change has our organization working toward a world where philanthropic assets are liberated so that BIPOC and low-income communities have power to self-determine (read more about why this long-term outcome from our President, Adriana Rocha, in our January newsletter). NFG’s Funders for a Just Economy (FJE) program brings funders together that are committed to advancing the…

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